All-in-One Reviews Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight All-in-One Reviews and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

20+ sources available

You are free to add reviews from almost any business review website. The full list includes: Airbnb, AliExpress, Amazon, Apple App Store, Better Business Bureau, Booking, Capterra, DealerRater, Ebay, EdMunds, Etsy, Facebook, G2 Crowd, Google Customer, Google Place, Google Play Store, Hotels, Houzz, OpenTable, TripAdvisor, Trustpilot, Yelp. Include all the reviews websites you need to present your company at its best. All the resources can be mixed the way you like – for example, if you’re an owner of two or more public places, you can demonstrate reviews from Facebook or Google for all of them at once.

The shortest way to get your testimonials to your site

In case you have an account on any of business reviews website, where visitors leave their comments and testimonials, it’s a must-do to embed them into your site. With our widget, you just need to get authorized on any of those platforms. The widget will get the reviews and reveal them on your site. It’s also auto-updating, so right after a new review is added, it will be shown on your website, too.

Your rating right in the search results

Our widget gives you a possibility to demonstrate your impressive rating directly in the Google search results via rich snippets. You won’t need to implement schema markup on your website. Our All-in-One Reviews widget contains the needed markup for Google, that’s why all is left for you to do is to add the widget on your website.Your rating will appear in search results. This will lead to CTR growth and will have a positive impact on your website SEO and organic traffic.

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